is an Art Director and Designer working based in Brooklyn, NY. 

As Equals
The dangers of mercury in skin whitening products explained
Animated Explainer

CNN explains how high levels of mercury found in some skin whitening creams can affect the body of people using them and put entire households at risk by contaminating their homes. This story is part of 'White lies', a series by CNN's As Equals investigating skin whitening practices worldwide to expose the underlying drivers of colorism, the industry that profits from it and the cost to individuals and communities.

To learn more visit

Editor: Meera Senthilingam
Senior Production: Ladan Anoushfar
Art Direction: Elisa Solinas
Design and Animation: Agne Jurkenaite, Emma Beinish, Jue Gong Additional Animation: Patrick Gallagher, Taylor Su
Sound Design: Sofia Couciero

2023 Emmy for Outstanding Graphic Design & Art Direction

2023 Society of Publication Designers Gold Medal